Gut Directed Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

20 August, 2024

“Heal your mind – Heal your Gut” 

Gut-Brain Connection 

Have you ever said or experienced any of these before? 

I am so anxious; I can feel butterflies in my tummy. 

I am so stressed; I feel sick to my stomach. 

The food looks so delicious, I am getting hungry. 

That looks awful, my tummy is feeling queasy. 

I had a gut feeling about that. 

Notice the connection? That’s the GUT-BRAIN connection.

It turns out to be true that the gut has its own nervous system called the Enteric Nervous System (ENS). It’s also called the ‘second brain’ and is constantly in communication with the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord). 

The function of the Enteric Nervous System is to control digestion, release of digestive systems, gut motility and blood flow for absorption and elimination. It contains 200-600 million neurons releasing multitude of neurotransmitter to facilitate these functions. 

The Gut-Brain Axis is a two-way communication between the Enteric Nervous System and the Central Nervous System linking emotional and cognitive centers of the brain with the peripheral intestinal function. The brain & gut are linked together by the Vagus nerve also known as the ‘super bridge’ that is in control of the rest and digestion mechanism of the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Chronic stress and anxiety can cause an overactive and hypersensitive nervous system that is in a constant ‘fight or flight’ response which can cause the trigger of gastrointestinal symptoms. Exposure to chronic stress or anxiety are associated with the development of disorders of the gut-brain interaction which include:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) 

  • Reflux  

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) 

  • Dyspepsia – Chronic Indigestion  

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) 

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a common intestinal disorder of the gut-brain interaction but with unpleasant or debilitating symptoms. 

IBS symptoms may include: 

  • Abdominal pain 

  • Tummy discomfort 

  • Bloating 

  • Excessive gas 

  • Irregular bowel movements (constipation, diarrhea or periods of both) 

  • Anxiety 

  • Stress 

  • Insomnia 

  • Low self-confidence 

  • Low self-esteem 

IBS Triggers

The flare up of IBS symptoms may be linked to certain foods, lifestyle habits, high stress/anxiety levels and can have a huge impact on your quality of life. 

High FODMAP foods (Fermentable Oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) may not be well absorbed by the small intestine. This causes gas formation as it ferments in the gut, triggering the hypersensitive nerves in the digestive systems to send false signals to the brain that something is wrong in the gut, and it needs to be eliminated from the body, causing unwanted digestive symptoms to flare up. 

High stress-anxiety levels and IBS are often known as the “vicious cycle” as each one worsens and triggers the other. 

Infection – gastro may sometimes result in ‘prolonged bowel symptoms’ although the infection has been treated and in full recovery. 

Medication – certain types of medications can disrupt the normal function of the gut as it may cause disturbances to gut microbiome and inflammation to the gut lining e.g. antibiotics, strong pain killers etc. 

How to Diagnosis IBS?

A proper investigation, examination and diagnosis of IBS by a Medical Professional is crucial to rule out more serious conditions of the intestine such as Colon cancer, Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Diverticulitis etc. 

Hypnotherapy can then be used as an adjunct to enhance mind-body connection to re-establish gut brain communication-control and to facilitate the therapeutic process of healing and recovery ONLY after a diagnosis of IBS has been made by a medical professional and all the necessary medical treatments and interventions are in place. 

Gut Directed Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome 

How can Gut Directed Hypnotherapy help improve gut issues? 

Research has shown that Gut Directed Hypnotherapy improves gastrointestinal symptoms in people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome by 70-80% by:  

  • Enhancing the gut-brain connection and communication 

  • Reducing the hypersensitivity of the gut and nervous system. 

Hypnotherapy provides positive subconscious mind control and normalisation of the gastrointestinal function which includes: 

  • Stress and anxiety management techniques such as deep breathing exercises, hypnosis, mindfulness & meditation.

  • Guided imagery of normal gut flow, gut-brain connection and improved communication. 

  • Metaphors for healing and recovery. 

  • Positive visualisation of having a healthy digestive system, improved confidence and quality of life. 

  • Relaxation techniques for a calmer nervous system. 

  • Positive pain management techniques.

Hypnotherapy relaxation techniques help bypass the conscious mind to tap into the power of the subconscious mind which controls 90% of our body’s autonomic function, such as the Vagus nerve, to activate the relaxation response of the parasympathetic nervous system to enhance rest and digestion. 

Benefits of Gut Directed Hypnotherapy

  • Improves communication between the gut brain axis to gain back control. 

  • Enhances mind-body connection. 

  • Personalised approach and techniques based on symptoms and goals of the client. 

  • Reduces gastrointestinal symptoms such as pain, bloating, nausea, discomfort, diarrhea, constipation etc. 

  • Calms the hypersensitive nerves in the digestive system. 

  • Stimulates the relaxation response of the parasympathetic nervous system for rest and digestion. 

  • Reduces stress, fear and anxiety. 

  • Enhances the body’s innate ability to heal and cope with symptoms more positively. 

  • Learn SELF-HYPNOSIS techniques for mind-body connection and to boost healing, positivity and confidence. 

Why choose Hypnotherapy for IBS?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic process by a trained and qualified hypnotherapist to induce deep relaxation, focused attention and heightened concentration through progressive muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, guided imagery, direct suggestions and self-hypnosis techniques to enhance wellness, by tapping into the power of the subconscious mind which controls 90% of our life and all the involuntary functions of the body including our breathing, heart rate, digestion, and blood pressure. 

The state of deep relaxation in hypnosis enables the subconscious mind to become more receptive to positive suggestions and changes to improve gut health, enhance gut-brain communication, activating the parasympathetic nervous system for rest and digestion and to bring back balance, calmness, healing and control to the mind and body. Hypnotherapy is delivered by the hypnotherapist using method of conversation and verbal communication during the session and would feel similar to a guided meditation.

The main purpose of Gut Directed Hypnotherapy for IBS is to:

  • 70-80% decrease in symptoms 

  • Manage remaining gut symptoms more positively. 

  • Establish Gut-Brain communication, connection and control. 

  • Gain back quality of life. 

  • Enhance wellness. 

  • Increase relaxation response, calmness and balance of the nervous system. 

Utilise the power of your subconscious mind as the key to improving your gut health.

NOTE: Hypnotherapy is not a replacement for any medical treatment or interventions. It is used as an adjunct to facilitate the therapeutic process of healing and recovery.

Commonly Asked FAQs About Gut-Directed Hypnotherapy

Is Gut Directed Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy safe?

Gut Directed Hypnotherapy and Hypnotherapy is a safe and effective therapy method when performed by a trained, qualified and registered Clinical Hypnotherapist certified in Gut Directed Hypnotherapy.

Important: However, hypnotherapy in general is not recommended for people with severe mental illness and is contraindicated for people with diagnosed Psychosis, Schizophrenia and Clinical Depression. A thorough case history and assessment will be carried out during the session prior to commencing Hypnotherapy to ascertain if it is a suitable option for you.

After the assessment, we'll discuss what to expect and what benefits and risks are involved. You'll have an opportunity to ask questions before any hypnotherapy is commenced.

How many Gut Directed Hypnotherapy sessions would I need for IBS?

Improvements are typically seen after 4-6 sessions. Gut directed Hypnotherapy works to calm the nervous system and most people will see a significant improvement of symptoms within 6 sessions. However, it can take up to 12 sessions in severe cases.

In addition to improving IBS gut symptoms, hypnotherapy can also ease the other IBS related symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, stress and anxiety, while improving confidence and self-esteem. 

As Hypnotherapy is a collaboration between the client and therapist, the Gut Directed Hypnotherapy sessions will be personalised and tailored to suit your needs and goals, depending on the severity of symptoms, receptiveness and compliance to hypnotherapy.

Are there any side effects to Gut Directed Hypnotherapy?

Generally, there are no side effects to Gut Directed Hypnotherapy or Hypnotherapy. Most people feel refreshed, calm, relaxed and more in control of their thoughts and emotions after the sessions.

However, some people may report feeling tired after the session or feel totally rejuvenated, free and feeling as if there has been a reset within their mind and body system.

This is a combination of releasing old unwanted emotions and thoughts while accepting new and healthier perspectives as the mind processes all the unlimited possibilities to enhance wellness.

Note: Every individual has a unique experience and receptiveness towards Hypnotherapy. Side effects felt may vary for each individual.

Can Hypnotherapy be done with a low FODMAP diet?

Yes. Hypnotherapy can be done in combination with a low FODMAP diet as it would only increase the chances of improvement.

Gut Directed Hypnotherapy is equally as effective as a low FODMAP diet in reducing gastrointestinal symptoms.

How much would a Hypnotherapy session cost?  

A full list of prices can be found here.

Are there any rebates available for Hypnotherapy?

Currently there aren’t any rebates available from private health insurance or Medicare for Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.

About the Author


Malinie Gunasekaran - Clinical Hypnotherapist

Mel is our resident Clinical Hypnotherapist at Body and Brain Centre. She has a passion for helping gut symptoms (such as irritable bowel syndrome), anxiety, stress, weight control, self esteem issues and relationship issues

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  1. Peters S et al. (2016). Randomised clinical trial: the efficacy of gut-directed hypnotherapy is similar to that of the low FODMAP diet for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Jul 2016. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 44(5). DOI: 10.1111/apt.13706