Gluten & Dairy Free Crumpets Recipe

27 January, 2023

Gluten & Dairy Free Crumpets Recipe


  • 350ml dairy free milk (I used almond milk)

  • 275g gluten free self-raising flour

  • 1 tbsp easy bake yeast

  • 1/2 tsp bicab soda

  • 2 tsp caster sugar
    I use 1 tsp honey as a natural sweetener instead

  • 1/4 tsp salt (optional)

  • 2 tsp luke warm water

  • Coconut oil for cooking


  1. Heat milk in microwave for 30-50 seconds. When you pop your finger in, you want it to be a bit warm. If you have a cooking thermometer, then it'll be 39 degrees.

  2. Add yeast and sweetener (caster sugar or honey) to warm milk and mix until dissolved.

  3. Leave for 15 minutes in a warm place until frothy on top.
    If it doesn't froth then the milk might be too hot or cold or the yeast stale.

  4. Mix self-raising flour, bicarb soda and salt (if you use) to the frothy milk mixture. Whisk together until free from lumps and combined.

  5. Cover the bowl with cling wrap / bees wax wrap or a heavy tea towel. Leave in a warm place for 90 minutes to allow to rise, thicken and become frothy again.
    You can place in the backseat of your car in the sun, through a window of the house or in a slightly warmed oven. Use the oven method to keep it away from kids sticky fingers. I warm the oven to 50 degrees and then turn the oven off. Place a small heat-proof bowl of water and the covered mixture in the oven.

  6. After 90 minutes, bring back to the bench to add 2 tsp of like warm water and stir through. The mixture needs to be runny so that it can be poured into the pan.

  7. Grease crumpet or egg rings or even cookie cutters. Place rings or cutters into fry pan and pour in some batter. Don't overfill to allow them to rise. Leave for 5-7 minutes depending on the size of your rings / cutters and do not touch them in this time.

  8. Once you start seeing lots of bubbles form, like what you expect to see in crumpets, remove the rings and flip the crumpet over for 1-2 minutes.

  9. Serve with your favourite condiments.
    You can store in air-tight container for up to 2 days or freeze them. Pop them in the toaster to serve warm.

Tips for making different shaped crumpets

  • Don't use pointy shapes

  • The less corners the better

  • Grease in all the nooks and crannies

  • If it fails, pop it into a bowl with some yoghurt and fruit

This recipe is from Gluten Free Alice and slightly tweaked to be refined sugar free.

Appointments available in Moonee Ponds or online.

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